PlotMapBase Member List

This is the complete list of members for PlotMapBase, including all inherited members.

applyOptions()PlotMapBase [private, slot]
AUTOANGPlotMapBase [private, static]
autoApply(bool state)PlotMapBase [private, slot]
continuePolygon(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, unsigned int currentCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const bool fromStart, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
coordsPlotMapBase [private]
deltaPlotMapBase [private]
getNeighbours(const unsigned int currentSegment, const unsigned int previousSegment, unsigned int &segment1, unsigned int &segment2, unsigned int &segment3)PlotMapBase [private]
getPoint(const unsigned int segment, const unsigned int level, const vector< map< unsigned int, unsigned int > * > &segmentMaps, const vector< vector< Point3D< double > > * > &segments)PlotMapBase [private]
hasPoint(const unsigned int segment, const unsigned int level, const vector< map< unsigned int, unsigned int > * > &segmentMaps)PlotMapBase [private]
init()PlotMapBase [private]
interpolate2D(const Point3D< double > &point1, const Point3D< double > &point2, const double density1, const double density2, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
isHorizontal(const unsigned int segment)PlotMapBase [private]
isoCurveColorsPlotMapBase [private]
isoCurvesPlotMapBase [private]
labelRect() const PlotMapBase [private]
limitRange(const T &min, T &value, const T &max)PlotMapBase [private]
loadInProgressPlotMapBase [private]
loadMapFile(const QString filename, const bool noerrors=false)PlotMapBase
loadMapFile()PlotMapBase [slot]
makeConnections()PlotMapBase [private]
mapToImage(const QPoint position)PlotMapBase [private]
maxValuePlotMapBase [private]
minValuePlotMapBase [private]
mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e)PlotMapBase [protected]
mousePositionPlotMapBase [private]
mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)PlotMapBase [protected]
mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)PlotMapBase [protected]
nextPolygonCCWB(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCCWL(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCCWR(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCCWT(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCWB(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCWL(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCWR(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
nextPolygonCWT(const unsigned int startCurve, const unsigned int endCurve, vector< Point3D< double > > &isoPolygon, vector< bool > &curveAdded, const Point3D< double > &startPoint, const Point3D< double > &refPoint, const double isoLevel)PlotMapBase [private]
numAtomsPlotMapBase [private]
numPointsPlotMapBase [private]
onPixmap(const QPoint position)PlotMapBase [private]
optionsPlotMapBase [private]
optionsChanged()PlotMapBase [signal]
originPlotMapBase [private]
plotColor(const QColor foregroundColor, const QColor backgroundColor, const double opaqueness)PlotMapBase [private]
plotLabelPlotMapBase [private]
PlotMapBase(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, bool modal=FALSE, WFlags fl=0)PlotMapBase
pointsPlotMapBase [private]
resetOptions()PlotMapBase [private, slot]
saveImage()PlotMapBase [private, slot]
showOptions()PlotMapBase [private, slot]
startSearch(const unsigned int segment, const unsigned int level, const bool circular, const vector< map< unsigned int, unsigned int > * > &segmentMaps, vector< bool > &segmentVisited, const vector< vector< Point3D< double > > * > &segments)PlotMapBase [private]
updateCrosses()PlotMapBase [private]
updateImage()PlotMapBase [private]
updateIsoLines()PlotMapBase [private]
updatePixmap()PlotMapBase [private]

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