icons-shared.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Contains the data for the icons converted by qembed.

In this file those icons are stored that are used both in Brabosphere and CrdView.

Definition in file icons-shared.h.

Go to the source code of this file.


static const QRgb open_normal_data []
static const QRgb open_disabled_data []
static const QRgb open_active_data []
static const QRgb save_normal_data []
static const QRgb save_disabled_data []
static const QRgb save_active_data []
static const QRgb prefs_normal_data []
static const QRgb prefs_active_data []
static const QRgb image_normal_data []
static const QRgb image_disabled_data []
static const QRgb image_active_data []
static const QRgb help_normal_data []
static const QRgb help_active_data []
static const QRgb whatsthis_normal_data []
static const QRgb whatsthis_active_data []

Variable Documentation

const QRgb open_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 27 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb open_disabled_data[] [static]

Definition at line 103 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb open_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 179 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb save_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 257 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb save_disabled_data[] [static]

Definition at line 333 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb save_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 409 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb prefs_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 487 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb prefs_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 563 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb image_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 641 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb image_disabled_data[] [static]

Definition at line 717 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb image_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 793 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb help_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 871 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb help_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 947 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb whatsthis_normal_data[] [static]

Definition at line 1025 of file icons-shared.h.

const QRgb whatsthis_active_data[] [static]

Definition at line 1101 of file icons-shared.h.

Generated on Fri May 19 14:31:56 2006 for Brabosphere by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO