
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                       preferencesbase.h  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Sat Aug 10 2002
00005     copyright            : (C) 2002-2006 by Ben Swerts
00006     email                :
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00026 // STL header files
00027 #include <vector>
00029 // Qt forward class declarations
00030 class QIconViewItem;
00031 class QStyle;
00033 // QextMDI forward class declarations
00034 #if defined(USE_KMDI) || defined(USE_KMDI_DLL)
00035 #  define QextMdiMainFrm KMdiMainFrm
00036 #endif
00037 class QextMdiMainFrm;
00039 // Xbrabo forward class declarations
00040 class ColorButton;
00041 #include "glbaseparameters.h" // structs can't be declared forward
00042 #include "glmoleculeparameters.h"
00044 // Base class header file
00045 #include "preferenceswidget.h"
00049 class PreferencesBase : public PreferencesWidget
00050 {
00051   Q_OBJECT
00053   public:
00054     PreferencesBase(QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0);  // constructor
00055     ~PreferencesBase();                 // destructor
00058     unsigned int preferredBasisset() const;       // returns the preferred basisset
00059     bool useBinDirectory() const;                 // returns true if .11 files should be written to a special directory
00060     GLBaseParameters getGLBaseParameters() const; // returns a struct with the OpenGL base parameters
00061     GLMoleculeParameters getGLMoleculeParameters() const;   // returns a struct with the OpenGL molecule parameters
00062     QStringList getPVMHosts() const;              // returns a list of PVM hosts
00063     void setToolbarsInfo(const QString& info, const bool status);     // sets the info needed to restore the toolbars
00064     void getToolbarsInfo(bool& status, QString& info) const;// returns the toolbars info
00066   signals:
00067     void newPVMHosts(const QStringList& hosts);   // is emitted when the PVM host list has changed
00069   public slots:
00070     void loadSettings();                // loads the program settings
00071     void saveSettings();                // saves the program settings
00072     void updateVisuals();               // updates the look of the entire program
00074   protected slots:
00075     void accept();                      // is called when the changes are accepted (OK clicked)
00076     void reject();                      // is called when the changes are rejected (Cancel or X clicked)
00078   private slots:
00080     void changed();                     // sets the 'changed' status of the widget
00081     void selectWidget(QIconViewItem* item);       // shows a widget from the widgetstack depending on the iconview item
00083     void changeExecutable();            // updates LineEditExecutable with the selected item in ListViewExecutable
00084     void updateExecutable(const QString& text);   // keeps ListViewExecutables in sync with LineEditExecutable
00085     void updateAllExecutables();        // renames all items in the ListView according to a pattern
00086     void selectBinDir();                // selects a directory to store the .11
00087     void selectExecutable();            // selects an executable
00088     void selectBasisDir();              // selects a directory to read the basissets from
00090     void selectBackground();            // selects a background image
00091     void updateLineEditBondSizeLines(); // updates LineEditBondSizeLines according to SliderBondSizeLines
00092     void updateLineEditBondSizeTubes(); // updates LineEditBondSizeTubes according to SliderBondSizeTubes
00093     void updateSliderBondSizeTubes();   // updates SliderBondSizeTubes according to LineEditBondSizeTubes
00094     void updateLineEditForceSizeTubes();// updates LineEditForceSizeTubes according to SliderForceSizeTubes
00095     void updateSliderForceSizeTubes();  // updates SliderForceSizeTubes according to LineEditForceSizeTubes
00096     void updateOpacitySelection();      // updates TextLabelSelection according to SliderSelectionOpacity
00097     void updateOpacityForces();         // updates TextLabelForces according to SliderForcesOpacity
00098     void updateColorButtonForce();      // enables/disables ColorButtonForce according to the selected color type
00100     void changePVMHost();               // updates LineEditPVMHost with the selected item in ListViewPVMHosts
00101     void updatePVMHost(const QString& text);      // keeps ListViewPVMHosts in sync with LineEditPVMHost
00102     void newPVMHost();                  // adds a PVM host
00103     void deletePVMHost();               // deletes a PVM host
00104     void changedPVM();                  // the PVM host list was changed
00106   private:
00108     enum{SettingsVersion = 100};        //< The current version for the settings file 
00111     void makeConnections();             // sets up all permanent connections
00112     void init();                        // initializes the dialog
00113     void initOpenGL();                  // determines the capabilities of OpenGL
00114     void saveWidgets();                 // saves the status of the widgets
00115     void restoreWidgets();              // restores the status of the widgets
00116     void updateStyle();                 // Changes the style of the application
00117     void updatePaths();                 // updates the data of the Paths class
00120     struct WidgetData
00122     {
00124       QStringList executables;          
00125       QString path;                     
00126       QString extension;                
00127       bool binInCalcDir;                
00128       QString binDir;                   
00129       QString basissetDir;              
00130       unsigned int basisset;            
00133       unsigned int styleMolecule;       
00134       unsigned int styleForces;         
00135       int fastRenderLimit;              
00136       bool showElements;                
00137       bool showNumbers;                 
00138       int sizeLines;                    
00139       QString sizeBonds;                
00140       QString sizeForces;               
00141       unsigned int colorLabels;         
00142       unsigned int colorICs;            
00143       unsigned int colorBackgroundGL;   
00144       unsigned int colorSelections;     
00145       unsigned int colorForces;         
00146       unsigned int opacitySelections;   
00147       unsigned int opacityForces;       
00148       bool forcesOneColor;              
00151       unsigned int backgroundType;      
00152       QString backgroundImage;          
00153       unsigned int backgroundColor;     
00154       unsigned int styleApplication;    
00157       unsigned int lightPosition;       
00158       unsigned int lightColor;          
00159       unsigned int materialSpecular;    
00160       unsigned int materialShininess;   
00161       bool antialias;                   
00162       bool smoothShading;               
00163       bool depthCue;                    
00164       unsigned int quality;             
00165       bool perspectiveProjection;       
00168       QStringList pvmHosts;             
00169     };
00172     // widgets
00173     QString startupStyleName;           
00174     QextMdiMainFrm* mainWindow;         
00175     // other
00176     WidgetData data;                    
00177     bool widgetChanged;                 
00178     bool pvmHostsChanged;               
00179     QString tempBondSizeBS;             
00180     QString tempBondSizeL;              
00181     float minLineWidthGL;               
00182     float maxLineWidthGL;               
00183     float lineWidthGranularity;         
00184     QString toolbarsInfo;               
00185     bool toolbarsStatus;                
00187 };
00189 #endif

Generated on Fri May 19 14:31:55 2006 for Brabosphere by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO