
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                           xbrabo.h  -  description
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Fri Jul 19 2002
00005     copyright            : (C) 2002-2006 by Ben Swerts
00006     email                : bswerts@users.sourceforge.net
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00021 #ifndef XBRABO_H
00022 #define XBRABO_H
00026 // Qt forward class declarations
00027 class QAction;
00028 class QPopupMenu;
00030 // Xbrabo forward class declarations
00031 #include "iconsets.h"
00032 class PreferencesBase;
00033 class XbraboView;
00035 // Base class header file
00036 #if defined(USE_KMDI) || defined(USE_KMDI_DLL)
00037 #  include<kmdimainfrm.h>
00038 #  define QextMdiMainFrm KMdiMainFrm
00039 #else
00040   #include <qextmdimainfrm.h>
00041 #endif
00044 class Xbrabo : public QextMdiMainFrm
00045 {
00046   Q_OBJECT
00048   public:
00050     Xbrabo();                           // constructor
00051     ~Xbrabo();                          // destructor
00054     void init();                        // initializes everything
00055     void fileOpen(const QString filename);        // opens a calculation with the specified name
00057   protected:
00058     bool event(QEvent* e);              // handles MDI child close events
00059     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* );   // fits the system menu button position to the menu position
00060     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e);    // closes the application
00062   private slots:
00064     void fileNew();                     // creates a new calculation
00065     void fileOpen();                    // opens an existing calculation and asks a filename (overloaded)
00066     void fileSave();                    // saves a calculation
00067     void fileSaveAs();                  // saves a calculation under a different name
00068     void fileClose();                   // closes the active calculation
00071     void editCut();                     // deletes the marked text and put it on the clipboard
00072     void editCopy();                    // puts the marked text on the clipboard
00073     void editPaste();                   // pastes the contents of the clipboard
00074     void editPrefs();                   // changes program references
00077     void viewToolBarStandard();         // toggles the Standard toolbar
00078     void viewToolBarCalculation();      // toggles the Calculation toolbar
00079     void viewToolBarCoordinates();      // toggles the Coordinates toolbar    
00080     void viewStatusBar();               // toggles the statusbar
00081     void viewTaskBar();                 // toggles the taskbar
00084     void moleculeReadCoordinates();     // reads coordinates from disk
00085     void moleculeCenterView();          // centers the molecule in the view
00086     void moleculeResetOrientation();    // resets the orientation of the molecule
00087     void moleculeZoomFit();             // resets the zoom of the molecule
00088     void moleculeResetView();           // resets translation/orientation/zoom of the molecule
00089     void moleculeAnimate();             // toggles animation of the molecule on/off
00090     void moleculeFPS();                 // calculates the FPS with the current view parameters
00091     void moleculeImage();               // saves the current view to an image
00092     void moleculeAddAtoms();            // allows atoms to be added
00093     void moleculeDeleteSelection();     // deletes the selected atoms
00094     void moleculeDensity();             // changes the density isosurfaces
00095     void moleculeDisplayMode();         // changes the molecular display mode
00096     void moleculeAlterCartesian();      // alters the cartesian coordinates of the selected atoms
00097     void moleculeAlterInternal();       // alters the selected internal coordinate
00098     void moleculeSelectAll();           // selects all atoms
00099     void moleculeSelectNone();          // deselects all atoms
00100     void moleculeSaveCoordinates();     // saves the coordinates from disk
00101     void moleculeSelection();           // toggles manipulation of the selection
00104     void setupGlobal();                 // sets up global options
00105     void setupBrabo();                  // sets up Brabo options
00106     void setupRelax();                  // sets up Relax options
00107     void setupFreq();                   // sets up Distor & Forkon options
00108     void setupBuur();                   // sets up Buur options
00111     void runStart();                    // starts the calculation
00112     void runPause();                    // pauses the calculation
00113     void runStop();                     // stops the calculation
00114     void runWrite();                    // writes all the input files needed for the calculation
00115     void runClean();                    // cleans the calculation directory.
00118     void resultsViewOutput();           // shows the output file(s)
00121     void toolsPlotMap();                // shows a 2D map from a .map.1 file
00122     void toolsOrbitals();               // shows a 3D representation of orbitals
00125     void helpHelp();                    // shows some general help
00126     void helpWhatsThis();               // enters What's This mode
00127     void helpCredits();                 // gives some credits
00128     void helpAbout();                   // shows an about dialog
00131     virtual void switchToToplevelMode();          // undocks all view windows
00132     virtual void switchToChildframeMode();        // docks all view windows
00133     virtual void switchToTabPageMode();           // docks all view windows in tabpage mode
00134     void updateActions();               // adapts actions when focus between views changed
00135     void fixToplevelModeHeight();       // updates the fixed height when in Toplevel mode
00136     void fixToplevelModeHeight2();      // the actual worker function for the previously declared function
00138   private:
00141     void loadGeometry();                // initialization needed for the first showing of the mainwindow
00142     void initActions();                 // creates the actions
00143     void initMenuBar();                 // creates the menubar
00144     void initToolBars();                // creates the toolbars
00145     //void initStatusBar();               // creates the statusbar
00148     void updatePreferences();           // updates the preferences
00149     void updateToolbarsInfo();          // updates editPreferences with the toolbar info
00150     void restoreToolbars();             // restores the toolbars
00151     QString actionText(const QString title, const QString brief, const QString details = QString::null, const IconSets::IconSetID iconID = IconSets::LastIcon); // constructs a text for the What's This mode for actions
00155     QToolBar* ToolBarStandard;          
00156     QToolBar* ToolBarCalculation;       
00157     QToolBar* ToolBarCoordinates;       
00159     QAction* actionFileNew;             
00160     QAction* actionFileOpen;            
00161     QAction* actionFileSave;            
00162     QAction* actionFileSaveAs;          
00163     QAction* actionFileClose;           
00164     QAction* actionFileQuit;            
00165     QAction* actionEditCut;             
00166     QAction* actionEditCopy;            
00167     QAction* actionEditPaste;           
00168     QAction* actionEditPrefs;           
00169     QAction* actionViewToolBarStandard; 
00170     QAction* actionViewToolBarCalculation;        
00171     QAction* actionViewToolBarCoordinates;        
00172     QAction* actionViewStatusBar;       
00173     QAction* actionViewTaskBar;         
00174     QAction* actionMoleculeReadCoordinates;       
00175     QAction* actionMoleculeCenterView;  
00176     QAction* actionMoleculeResetOrientation;      
00177     QAction* actionMoleculeZoomFit;     
00178     QAction* actionMoleculeResetView;   
00179     QAction* actionMoleculeAnimate;     
00180     QAction* actionMoleculeFPS;         
00181     QAction* actionMoleculeImage;       
00182     QAction* actionMoleculeAddAtom;     
00183     QAction* actionMoleculeDeleteSelection;       
00184     QAction* actionMoleculeDensity;     
00185     QAction* actionMoleculeDisplayMode; 
00186     QAction* actionMoleculeAlterCartesian;        
00187     QAction* actionMoleculeAlterInternal;         
00188     QAction* actionMoleculeSelectAll;   
00189     QAction* actionMoleculeSelectNone;  
00190     QAction* actionMoleculeSaveCoordinates;       
00191     QAction* actionMoleculeSelection;   
00192     QAction* actionSetupGlobal;         
00193     QAction* actionSetupBrabo;          
00194     QAction* actionSetupRelax;          
00195     QAction* actionSetupFreq;           
00196     QAction* actionSetupBuur;           
00197     QAction* actionRunStart;            
00198     QAction* actionRunPause;            
00199     QAction* actionRunStop;             
00200     QAction* actionRunWrite;            
00201     QAction* actionRunClean;            
00202     QAction* actionResultsViewOutput;   
00203     QAction* actionToolsPlotMap;        
00204     QAction* actionToolsOrbitals;       
00205     QAction* actionHelp;                
00206     QAction* actionWhatsThis;           
00207     QAction* actionCredits;             
00208     QAction* actionAbout;               
00210     XbraboView* view;                   
00211     PreferencesBase* editPreferences;   
00212 };
00214 #endif

Generated on Fri May 19 14:31:56 2006 for Brabosphere by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO