Xbrabo Class Reference

#include <xbrabo.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class is the main MDI widget which controls the XbraboViews.

It is a subclass of QextMDIMainForm providing an MDI interface, a menu and various toolbars.

Definition at line 44 of file xbrabo.h.

Public Member Functions

 Xbrabo ()
 ~Xbrabo ()
 The default destructor.
void init ()
 Initializes everything.
void fileOpen (const QString filename)
 Opens an existing calculation with the specified name.

Protected Member Functions

bool event (QEvent *e)
 Handles MDI child close events.
void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *)
 Fits the system menu button position to the menu position.
void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *e)
 Closes the application.

Private Slots

void fileNew ()
 Generates a new calculation.
void fileOpen ()
 Opens an existing calculation.
void fileSave ()
 Saves a calculation to disk.
void fileSaveAs ()
 Saves a calculation to disk under a new name.
void fileClose ()
 Closes a calculation.
void editCut ()
 Invokes the cut action of the current view.
void editCopy ()
 Invokes the copy action of the current view.
void editPaste ()
 Invokes the paste action of the current view.
void editPrefs ()
 Changes the program's preferences.
void viewToolBarStandard ()
 Toggles the visibility of the Standard toolbar.
void viewToolBarCalculation ()
 Toggles the visibility of the Calculation toolbar.
void viewToolBarCoordinates ()
 Toggles the visibility of the Coordinates toolbar.
void viewStatusBar ()
 Toggles the visibility of the statusbar.
void viewTaskBar ()
 Toggles the visibility of the taskbar.
void moleculeReadCoordinates ()
 Reads coordinates for the active calculation.
void moleculeCenterView ()
 Centers the view for the active calculation.
void moleculeResetOrientation ()
 Resets the orientation for the active calculation.
void moleculeZoomFit ()
 Resets the zoom for the active calculation.
void moleculeResetView ()
 Resets the complete view for the active calculation.
void moleculeAnimate ()
 Toggles animation of the molecule.
void moleculeFPS ()
 Calculates the maximum framerate for the current parameters.
void moleculeImage ()
 Saves the current view as an image.
void moleculeAddAtoms ()
 Shows a dialog allowing the addition of atoms.
void moleculeDeleteSelection ()
 Deletes all selected atoms.
void moleculeDensity ()
 Changes the density isosurfaces.
void moleculeDisplayMode ()
 Changes the display mode of the molecule.
void moleculeAlterCartesian ()
 Alters the cartesian coordinates of the selected atoms.
void moleculeAlterInternal ()
 Alters the selected internal coordinate.
void moleculeSelectAll ()
 Selects all atoms.
void moleculeSelectNone ()
 Deselects all atoms.
void moleculeSaveCoordinates ()
 Saves the coordinates.
void moleculeSelection ()
 Toggles between manipulating the selected atoms and the entire system.
void setupGlobal ()
 Sets up the global options for the active calculation.
void setupBrabo ()
 Sets up the Brabo options for the active calculation.
void setupRelax ()
 Sets up the Relax options for the active calculation.
void setupFreq ()
 Sets up Distor & Forkon options for the active calculation.
void setupBuur ()
 Sets up the Buur options for the active calculation.
void runStart ()
 Starts the active calculation.
void runPause ()
 Pauses the active calculation.
void runStop ()
 Stops the active calculation.
void runWrite ()
 Writes the input files for the active calculation.
void runClean ()
 Cleans the calculation directory for the active calculation.
void resultsViewOutput ()
 Shows the output from the active calculation.
void toolsPlotMap ()
 Generates a 2D map from a .map.1 file (output from potdicht).
void toolsOrbitals ()
 Shows a 3D representation of orbitals.
void helpHelp ()
void helpWhatsThis ()
void helpCredits ()
void helpAbout ()
 Shows an About box for Xbrabo.
virtual void switchToToplevelMode ()
 Switches the application to Toplevel mode.
virtual void switchToChildframeMode ()
 Switches the application to Childframe mode.
virtual void switchToTabPageMode ()
 Switches the application to TabPage mode.
void updateActions ()
 Adapts certain actions to the active calculation.
void fixToplevelModeHeight ()
 Updates the fixed height of the mainwindow when in Toplevel mode.
void fixToplevelModeHeight2 ()
 The actual worker function.

Private Member Functions

void loadGeometry ()
 Loads as much as needed from the settings file (normally done in PreferencesBase) in order to show the mainwindow during startup.
void initActions ()
 Creates the actions and connects them to the relevant slots.
void initMenuBar ()
 Creates the menu.
void initToolBars ()
 Creates the toolbars.
void updatePreferences ()
 Updates the preferences of all calculations.
void updateToolbarsInfo ()
 Updates editPreferences with info about the toolbars.
void restoreToolbars ()
 Restores the toolbars.
QString actionText (const QString title, const QString brief, const QString details=QString::null, const IconSets::IconSetID iconID=IconSets::LastIcon)
 Constructs a What's This text for actions with proper richtext formatting.

Private Attributes

QToolBar * ToolBarStandard
 The File & Edit toolbar.
QToolBar * ToolBarCalculation
 The Setup & Run toolbar.
QToolBar * ToolBarCoordinates
 The MoleculeView toolbar.
QAction * actionFileNew
 Action that's connected to fileNew().
QAction * actionFileOpen
 Action that's connected to fileOpen().
QAction * actionFileSave
 Action that's connected to fileSave().
QAction * actionFileSaveAs
 Action that's connected to fileSaveAs().
QAction * actionFileClose
 Action that's connected to fileClose().
QAction * actionFileQuit
 Action that's connected to fileClose().
QAction * actionEditCut
 Action that's connected to editCut().
QAction * actionEditCopy
 Action that's connected to editCopy().
QAction * actionEditPaste
 Action that's connected to editPaste().
QAction * actionEditPrefs
 Action that's connected to editPrefs().
QAction * actionViewToolBarStandard
 Action that's connected to viewToolBarStandard.
QAction * actionViewToolBarCalculation
 Action that's connected to viewToolBarCalculation.
QAction * actionViewToolBarCoordinates
 Action that's connected to viewToolBarCoordinates.
QAction * actionViewStatusBar
 Action that's connected to viewStatusBar.
QAction * actionViewTaskBar
 Action that's connected to viewTaskBar.
QAction * actionMoleculeReadCoordinates
 Action that's connected to moleculeReadCoordinates().
QAction * actionMoleculeCenterView
 Action that's connected to moleculeCenterView().
QAction * actionMoleculeResetOrientation
 Action that's connected to moleculeResetOrientation().
QAction * actionMoleculeZoomFit
 Action that's connected to moleculeZoomFit().
QAction * actionMoleculeResetView
 Action that's connected to moleculeResetView().
QAction * actionMoleculeAnimate
 Action that's connected to moleculeAnimate().
QAction * actionMoleculeFPS
 Action that's connected to moleculeFPS().
QAction * actionMoleculeImage
 Action that's connected to moleculeImage().
QAction * actionMoleculeAddAtom
 Action that's connected to moleculeAddAtom().
QAction * actionMoleculeDeleteSelection
 Action that's connected to moleculeDeleteSelection().
QAction * actionMoleculeDensity
 Action that's connected to moleculeDensity().
QAction * actionMoleculeDisplayMode
 Action that's connected to moleculeDisplayMode().
QAction * actionMoleculeAlterCartesian
 Action that's connected to moleculeAlterCartesian().
QAction * actionMoleculeAlterInternal
 Action that's connected to moleculeAlterInternal().
QAction * actionMoleculeSelectAll
 Action that's connected to moleculeSelectAll().
QAction * actionMoleculeSelectNone
 Action that's connected to moleculeSelectNone().
QAction * actionMoleculeSaveCoordinates
 Action that's connected to moleculeSaveCoordinates().
QAction * actionMoleculeSelection
 Action that's connected to moleculeSelection().
QAction * actionSetupGlobal
 Action that's connected to setupGlobal().
QAction * actionSetupBrabo
 Action that's connected to setupBrabo().
QAction * actionSetupRelax
 Action that's connected to setupRelax().
QAction * actionSetupFreq
 Action that's connected to setupFreq().
QAction * actionSetupBuur
 Action that's connected to setupBuur().
QAction * actionRunStart
 Action that's connected to runStart().
QAction * actionRunPause
 Action that's connected to runPause().
QAction * actionRunStop
 Action that's connected to runStop().
QAction * actionRunWrite
 Action that's connected to runWrite().
QAction * actionRunClean
 Action that's connected to runClean().
QAction * actionResultsViewOutput
 Action that's connected to resultsViewOutput().
QAction * actionToolsPlotMap
 Action that's connected to toolsPlotMap().
QAction * actionToolsOrbitals
 Action that's connected to toolsOrbitals().
QAction * actionHelp
 Action that's connected to help().
QAction * actionWhatsThis
 Action that's connected to whatsThis().
QAction * actionCredits
 Action that's connected to helpCredits().
QAction * actionAbout
 Action that's connected to helpAbout().
 Holds the active view.
 The Preferences dialog.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Xbrabo::Xbrabo  ) 

Definition at line 83 of file xbrabo.cpp.

Xbrabo::~Xbrabo  ) 

The default destructor.

Definition at line 90 of file xbrabo.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Xbrabo::init  ) 

Initializes everything.

Normally this is done in the constructor, but making it a public function it can be invoked after this class is constructed. This way the splashscreen is more useful.

The application will crash if this function is not called.

This function may only be called once.

Definition at line 97 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileOpen const QString  filename  ) 

Opens an existing calculation with the specified name.

Definition at line 125 of file xbrabo.cpp.

bool Xbrabo::event QEvent *  e  )  [protected]

Handles MDI child close events.

Definition at line 223 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::resizeEvent QResizeEvent *   )  [protected]

Fits the system menu button position to the menu position.

Definition at line 241 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::closeEvent QCloseEvent *  e  )  [protected]

Closes the application.

Definition at line 249 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileNew  )  [private, slot]

Generates a new calculation.

Definition at line 285 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileOpen  )  [private, slot]

Opens an existing calculation.

Definition at line 320 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileSave  )  [private, slot]

Saves a calculation to disk.

Definition at line 336 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileSaveAs  )  [private, slot]

Saves a calculation to disk under a new name.

Definition at line 370 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fileClose  )  [private, slot]

Closes a calculation.

Definition at line 422 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::editCut  )  [private, slot]

Invokes the cut action of the current view.

Definition at line 462 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::editCopy  )  [private, slot]

Invokes the copy action of the current view.

Definition at line 473 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::editPaste  )  [private, slot]

Invokes the paste action of the current view.

Definition at line 484 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::editPrefs  )  [private, slot]

Changes the program's preferences.

Definition at line 495 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::viewToolBarStandard  )  [private, slot]

Toggles the visibility of the Standard toolbar.

Definition at line 510 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::viewToolBarCalculation  )  [private, slot]

Toggles the visibility of the Calculation toolbar.

Definition at line 523 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::viewToolBarCoordinates  )  [private, slot]

Toggles the visibility of the Coordinates toolbar.

Definition at line 536 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::viewStatusBar  )  [private, slot]

Toggles the visibility of the statusbar.

Definition at line 549 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::viewTaskBar  )  [private, slot]

Toggles the visibility of the taskbar.

Definition at line 563 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeReadCoordinates  )  [private, slot]

Reads coordinates for the active calculation.

Definition at line 577 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeCenterView  )  [private, slot]

Centers the view for the active calculation.

Definition at line 590 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeResetOrientation  )  [private, slot]

Resets the orientation for the active calculation.

Definition at line 601 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeZoomFit  )  [private, slot]

Resets the zoom for the active calculation.

Definition at line 612 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeResetView  )  [private, slot]

Resets the complete view for the active calculation.

Definition at line 623 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeAnimate  )  [private, slot]

Toggles animation of the molecule.

Definition at line 634 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeFPS  )  [private, slot]

Calculates the maximum framerate for the current parameters.

Definition at line 648 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeImage  )  [private, slot]

Saves the current view as an image.

Definition at line 661 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeAddAtoms  )  [private, slot]

Shows a dialog allowing the addition of atoms.

Definition at line 674 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeDeleteSelection  )  [private, slot]

Deletes all selected atoms.

Definition at line 685 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeDensity  )  [private, slot]

Changes the density isosurfaces.

Definition at line 696 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeDisplayMode  )  [private, slot]

Changes the display mode of the molecule.

Definition at line 707 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeAlterCartesian  )  [private, slot]

Alters the cartesian coordinates of the selected atoms.

Definition at line 718 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeAlterInternal  )  [private, slot]

Alters the selected internal coordinate.

Definition at line 729 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeSelectAll  )  [private, slot]

Selects all atoms.

Definition at line 740 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeSelectNone  )  [private, slot]

Deselects all atoms.

Definition at line 751 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeSaveCoordinates  )  [private, slot]

Saves the coordinates.

Definition at line 762 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::moleculeSelection  )  [private, slot]

Toggles between manipulating the selected atoms and the entire system.

Definition at line 773 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::setupGlobal  )  [private, slot]

Sets up the global options for the active calculation.

Definition at line 784 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::setupBrabo  )  [private, slot]

Sets up the Brabo options for the active calculation.

Definition at line 797 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::setupRelax  )  [private, slot]

Sets up the Relax options for the active calculation.

Definition at line 810 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::setupFreq  )  [private, slot]

Sets up Distor & Forkon options for the active calculation.

Definition at line 823 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::setupBuur  )  [private, slot]

Sets up the Buur options for the active calculation.

Definition at line 836 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::runStart  )  [private, slot]

Starts the active calculation.

Definition at line 849 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::runPause  )  [private, slot]

Pauses the active calculation.

Definition at line 860 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::runStop  )  [private, slot]

Stops the active calculation.

Definition at line 871 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::runWrite  )  [private, slot]

Writes the input files for the active calculation.

Definition at line 882 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::runClean  )  [private, slot]

Cleans the calculation directory for the active calculation.

Definition at line 893 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::resultsViewOutput  )  [private, slot]

Shows the output from the active calculation.

Definition at line 904 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::toolsPlotMap  )  [private, slot]

Generates a 2D map from a .map.1 file (output from potdicht).

Definition at line 917 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::toolsOrbitals  )  [private, slot]

Shows a 3D representation of orbitals.

Definition at line 949 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::helpHelp  )  [private, slot]

Definition at line 959 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::helpWhatsThis  )  [private, slot]

Definition at line 1000 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::helpCredits  )  [private, slot]

Definition at line 1009 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::helpAbout  )  [private, slot]

Shows an About box for Xbrabo.

Definition at line 1046 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::switchToToplevelMode  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Switches the application to Toplevel mode.

Definition at line 1058 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::switchToChildframeMode  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Switches the application to Childframe mode.

Definition at line 1067 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::switchToTabPageMode  )  [private, virtual, slot]

Switches the application to TabPage mode.

Definition at line 1090 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::updateActions  )  [private, slot]

Adapts certain actions to the active calculation.

It handles all cases, including when there are no opened calculations. It's normally called due to a changed() signal from an XbraboView, but not necessarily from the one with the focus. Some unneccesary updating is bound to occur.

Definition at line 1107 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fixToplevelModeHeight  )  [private, slot]

Updates the fixed height of the mainwindow when in Toplevel mode.

It also resizes the mainwindow to this size. This function only makes sure that the actual work is done after all events are processed. Otherwise the calculation of the new height of the mainwindow uses old values.

Definition at line 1164 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::fixToplevelModeHeight2  )  [private, slot]

The actual worker function.

Definition at line 1178 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::loadGeometry  )  [private]

Loads as much as needed from the settings file (normally done in PreferencesBase) in order to show the mainwindow during startup.

The rest of the settings are then loaded as a PreferencesBase class is instantiated in init()

Definition at line 1233 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::initActions  )  [private]

Creates the actions and connects them to the relevant slots.

Definition at line 1312 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::initMenuBar  )  [private]

Creates the menu.

Definition at line 1769 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::initToolBars  )  [private]

Creates the toolbars.

Definition at line 1883 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::updatePreferences  )  [private]

Updates the preferences of all calculations.

This is done by calling static functions of BraboBase, GLView and GLSimpleMoleculeView.

Definition at line 1954 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::updateToolbarsInfo  )  [private]

Updates editPreferences with info about the toolbars.

Definition at line 1969 of file xbrabo.cpp.

void Xbrabo::restoreToolbars  )  [private]

Restores the toolbars.

Should be called when Xbrabo is visible, otherwise the toolbarMenu cannot be updated.

Definition at line 1979 of file xbrabo.cpp.

QString Xbrabo::actionText const QString  title,
const QString  brief,
const QString  details = QString::null,
const IconSets::IconSetID  iconID = IconSets::LastIcon

Constructs a What's This text for actions with proper richtext formatting.

  • title: The title of the action
  • brief: A brief one line description
  • details: A longer detailed description (optional)
  • iconID: translates to the name of a pixmap in the default mimesource factory (optional)

Definition at line 2005 of file xbrabo.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

QToolBar* Xbrabo::ToolBarStandard [private]

The File & Edit toolbar.

Definition at line 155 of file xbrabo.h.

QToolBar* Xbrabo::ToolBarCalculation [private]

The Setup & Run toolbar.

Definition at line 156 of file xbrabo.h.

QToolBar* Xbrabo::ToolBarCoordinates [private]

The MoleculeView toolbar.

Definition at line 157 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileNew [private]

Action that's connected to fileNew().

Definition at line 159 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileOpen [private]

Action that's connected to fileOpen().

Definition at line 160 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileSave [private]

Action that's connected to fileSave().

Definition at line 161 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileSaveAs [private]

Action that's connected to fileSaveAs().

Definition at line 162 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileClose [private]

Action that's connected to fileClose().

Definition at line 163 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionFileQuit [private]

Action that's connected to fileClose().

Definition at line 164 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionEditCut [private]

Action that's connected to editCut().

Definition at line 165 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionEditCopy [private]

Action that's connected to editCopy().

Definition at line 166 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionEditPaste [private]

Action that's connected to editPaste().

Definition at line 167 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionEditPrefs [private]

Action that's connected to editPrefs().

Definition at line 168 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionViewToolBarStandard [private]

Action that's connected to viewToolBarStandard.

Definition at line 169 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionViewToolBarCalculation [private]

Action that's connected to viewToolBarCalculation.

Definition at line 170 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionViewToolBarCoordinates [private]

Action that's connected to viewToolBarCoordinates.

Definition at line 171 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionViewStatusBar [private]

Action that's connected to viewStatusBar.

Definition at line 172 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionViewTaskBar [private]

Action that's connected to viewTaskBar.

Definition at line 173 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeReadCoordinates [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeReadCoordinates().

Definition at line 174 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeCenterView [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeCenterView().

Definition at line 175 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeResetOrientation [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeResetOrientation().

Definition at line 176 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeZoomFit [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeZoomFit().

Definition at line 177 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeResetView [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeResetView().

Definition at line 178 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeAnimate [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeAnimate().

Definition at line 179 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeFPS [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeFPS().

Definition at line 180 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeImage [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeImage().

Definition at line 181 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeAddAtom [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeAddAtom().

Definition at line 182 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeDeleteSelection [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeDeleteSelection().

Definition at line 183 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeDensity [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeDensity().

Definition at line 184 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeDisplayMode [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeDisplayMode().

Definition at line 185 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeAlterCartesian [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeAlterCartesian().

Definition at line 186 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeAlterInternal [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeAlterInternal().

Definition at line 187 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeSelectAll [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeSelectAll().

Definition at line 188 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeSelectNone [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeSelectNone().

Definition at line 189 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeSaveCoordinates [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeSaveCoordinates().

Definition at line 190 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionMoleculeSelection [private]

Action that's connected to moleculeSelection().

Definition at line 191 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionSetupGlobal [private]

Action that's connected to setupGlobal().

Definition at line 192 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionSetupBrabo [private]

Action that's connected to setupBrabo().

Definition at line 193 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionSetupRelax [private]

Action that's connected to setupRelax().

Definition at line 194 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionSetupFreq [private]

Action that's connected to setupFreq().

Definition at line 195 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionSetupBuur [private]

Action that's connected to setupBuur().

Definition at line 196 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionRunStart [private]

Action that's connected to runStart().

Definition at line 197 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionRunPause [private]

Action that's connected to runPause().

Definition at line 198 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionRunStop [private]

Action that's connected to runStop().

Definition at line 199 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionRunWrite [private]

Action that's connected to runWrite().

Definition at line 200 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionRunClean [private]

Action that's connected to runClean().

Definition at line 201 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionResultsViewOutput [private]

Action that's connected to resultsViewOutput().

Definition at line 202 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionToolsPlotMap [private]

Action that's connected to toolsPlotMap().

Definition at line 203 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionToolsOrbitals [private]

Action that's connected to toolsOrbitals().

Definition at line 204 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionHelp [private]

Action that's connected to help().

Definition at line 205 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionWhatsThis [private]

Action that's connected to whatsThis().

Definition at line 206 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionCredits [private]

Action that's connected to helpCredits().

Definition at line 207 of file xbrabo.h.

QAction* Xbrabo::actionAbout [private]

Action that's connected to helpAbout().

Definition at line 208 of file xbrabo.h.

XbraboView* Xbrabo::view [private]

Holds the active view.

Definition at line 210 of file xbrabo.h.

PreferencesBase* Xbrabo::editPreferences [private]

The Preferences dialog.

Definition at line 211 of file xbrabo.h.

Generated on Fri May 19 14:31:58 2006 for Brabosphere by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO