For the future of Brabosphere, communication with (potential) users is very important. That's why a number of services are made available to allow communication between me and users. The project's website at Sourceforge provides forums and a number of Trackers, a system to submit support requests, bug reports and feature requests. All submissions can be made anonymously (no email address required), but I would of course appreciate if you wrote your name at the bottom. This also helps in having updates sent to you concerning your tracker. Bug reportsBug reports are best submitted to the bug tracker as it allows me to follow up on them in a consistent manner. The tracker assign an ID to every bug which can subsequently be referred to in e.g. the history of changes. When you do submit a bug, please be precise in the circumstances in which it occurs, on what hardware (most important is the type of video card and version of its drivers) and the exact wordings of any error messages. I welcome every type of bug report: from severe ones like crashes and unintended behaviour to typos in the documentation. It's important to me that everything looks and works as polished as possible. Also inadequacies in the in-program documentation and user interface can be reported. Is the function of a certain button obscure? Do you think another button should be positioned differently? Let me know! Feature requestsFeature requests are greatly appreciated in order to know what features are most important. Although the roadmap makes mentions a lot of possible features already, even resubmitting these features is good. Here again I welcome any type of request, also suggestions for the improvement of the user interface as a whole. Support requestsAlthough the forums are an excellent place for receiving support (not only from me but also from other users), a tracker is available for submitting support requests. Submitting to the trackersclick here to submit a support request |